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Honey's Dog Lover Offerings


Nature Mugs     
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Kindness Wall Posters     
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Coffee Mug with cute dog sayings. Funny dog coffee cup with momma dog and her puppies. The lighthearted humor in this dog saying on this mug tells it all.

Coffee Cup with Funny Dog Saying
Humorous Dog Sayings on Coffee Mug

Funny Dog Coffee Mugs


Dog Owners Mug with picture and saying. Coffee cup with funny dog saying.  Enjoy your morning coffee while viewing this humurous saying and dog picture for the Animal Lover in you.

Coffee Mugs with Dog Pictures
Dog Owners will Love this Coffee Cup

Coffee Mug with Dog Picture


Dog Coffee Mugs with Funny Images and Sayings - Animal Owner Gift Mugs


If you love animals, especially dogs, then a coffee mug with an image of dogs and truthful sayings is something you will love. Enjoy some light hearted humor from the pictures and sayigs as you sip your morning coffee from a mug with a dog picture and a meaningful saying on the side. One mug shows a momma dog with all her puppies along with a relevant funny saying. Dogs do have a lot of puppies at one time. The other dog mug shows a vicious looking guard dog with its words of warning on the cup. Dog owners will find meaning in this dog image and saying. A fair warning of no trespassing on to your property by your dog companion..


Dog lovers understand a dog's life and the love and loyalty that they offer to their human companion. A dog lover treasures their time with all their animal companions. A dog mug where a bit of humor can be found on the images and sayings on the sides of the cup is a good gift to bring a smile to a dog lover's face.


If you need to get more exercise, then a dog is a great exercise companion. They love to go on long walks with you and your walk will be less boring and even more fun watching your dog have so much fun. You will probably feel safer knowing that your loyal companion is by your side. Then when you get back home you can have a cup of tea from one of your dog lover mugs while relaxing and smiling at the funny image and saying on the side of your mug.


A dog allows you to feel safer at home. You will know that someone is coming into your space long before they make it to the doorbell (if that was their intentions). Plus when you come home from work there is love greeting you at the door.


If you have children, not only is a dog a great protective companion and playmate for them, they help teach responsibility. They will learn to feed and provide water for their dog friend and to just generally take care of the dog's needs. It is a two way street.


Maybe you or your friends are more into other nature scenes, like squirrels, snow scenes, iris flowers, deer, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, butterflies, etc. then gift them a coffee mug with a scene and / or saying that you or they love most. Find some here at Nature Coffee Mugs for everyone.



Available For Purchase at:   Gearbubble.com  


Interesting Facts About Dogs ...

February 17, 2024 - There are over 75 million pet dogs in the United States alone. As most dog lovers have known all along, a recent study showed that dogs are amonng a small group of animals who show voluntary unselfish kindness towards others without expecting any reward. So, it is no wonder that dog lovers love to own mugs with images and sayings, especially cups that bring a smile to one's face.


1. Blood Pressure and Dogs


When petting a dog human blood pressure goes down, and do does the dog's.


2. Nose Print


Like a human's fingerprint, a dog's nose print is unique.


3. Holiday Cards


Seventy percent of people sign their dog's name on holiday cards. These people are true dog lovers and would love a dog mug with related saying for a holiday gift.


4. Yawning is Contagious


Even for dogs. Research has shown that the sound of a yawn from from a human can trigger a yawn from a dog close by. And, it is four times more likely to happen when the yawn is from a person that the dog knows.


5. Sense of Smell


Because a bloodhound's sense of smell is so accurate, the results of its tracking can be used as evidence in a court of law.


6. Vision and Hearing


All puppies are born deaf. It takes about 3 weeks before they begin to hear sounds around them. Dogs are not colorblind. They can see blue and yellow.



Dog Lovers Mugs - Coffee Mug with dog sayings. Coffee mugs with dog sayings are great gifts for your dog lover friends. This mug has a cute little dog with a funny saying to make you and others smile when you view this mug.

Coffee Mugs with Dogs on Them
Cute Dog Sayings on Coffee Mug

Coffee Mug with Dog On It




If you want to express your love and friendship for a dog lover friend, then gift them one of these coffee mugs with dog sayings for their birthday or just any other occassion. One of these coffee cups with a cute dog image and saying can't help but bring a smile to any dog lover person. Small dogs are not only cute but think they are ferocious. Even though you as a dog owner know better, they do have keen hearing and will let you know that something needs your attention. In addition, they are cuddly and love to be petted and loved. The little tike on this coffee mug is giving you fair warning not to underestimate his ability to protect his property. While drinking your tea or coffee and viewing this scene and saying you can relax and find a bit of humor in your day. Enjoy!



Purchase Online At:   Gearbubble.com


Comment Highlights ...


Dog Oreo 


"I love all animals. Especially my dogs.
These dog mugs with their cute pictures and sayings

just brighten up my day."


Dog Coffee Mugs with Cute Sayings


Black and White Dog Oreo  


"I love my doggie mug.
Enjoy the saying and picture everyday."


Dog Coffee Cup


Short Legged Oreo  


"Cute dog pictures and sayings.
A touch of truth to each saying.

Dogs make such good companions ."


Dog Mugs