Honeys Nature Offerings.






Honey's Nature Lover Offerings


Nature Mugs     
Other Mugs     
Kindness Wall Posters     
Angel Necklaces     
Children's Books     


Nature and Kindness Offerings

July 7, 2024 - I have found that relaxing and spending time in nature improves my mental and physical health. Strolling along a wooded path with my dogs happily exploring every scent they can find, puts me in such a good mood and relieves the stresses of the day. I pause to look up at the tall trees providing a place in their limbs as homes for the squirrels and birds. Occassionaly we unfortunately disturb a group of deer that was resting in a dense brush area. But, we don't chase them and I know they will come back when we go back to the house.


I sit my coffee mug with one of the nature scenes on my desk to constantly remind me of that feeling as the day progresses. Since I work from home it is not likely that many people get the same benefit from my mug, but if you work in an office and you leave your nature coffee mug on your desk, you may find that you will ease someone else's daily burden. You might even want to gift one to them so they can enjoy the scene as they sit at their own desk.


Many people are in some kind of physical or emotional pain, but try not to burden others with their pain by talking about it. Often just a smile, kind word or something that they see will lift their spirits tremendously. When you lift one person up you can create a ripple effect because then they feel better and will be nicer to people and pets around them. So, look for just small suddle ways to ease someone else's spirits, even if it is just for the day.

The beauty of nature can also uplift someone's spirits and help them have a better day, even if it is just a nature image on a coffee cup, gift of jewelry, wall poster, etc. A beautiful sunrise or sunset image can bring to mind the times that one has enjoyed that actual scene one morning or evening.


Our news media is filled with so much negative events in this day and time. Sometimes it is good to turn off the TV, computer and cell phone because it can give you such a downer feeling.


Take a few minutes to just view your own nature images that you have surrounded yourself with, so you can start your day with a positive, uplifting feeling. Take a minute to plan who you might call or email with a few uplifting words to help them get their day off to a good start also.


Enjoy your coffee, hot chocolate or tea from one of these beautiful nature scene coffee mugs. Display your mug so others in your life can also enjoy the nature scenes and hopefully perk up their day as well


If you have children then encourage them to read this inspirational children's book: The Little Dog That Nobody Wanted - Because She Had No Hair on Her Back


Nature Mugs for Coffee Drinkers...

Nature Coffee Mug with Purple Iris



Nature Coffee Mug with Purple Iris
Gift for Mom or Nature Lover Friend

Nature's Beauty Series

Nature Mug with Iris


Natures Beauty Coffee Mug with Deer scene.



Nature Coffee Mug with Young Deer
Enjoy This Young Deer Nature Scene

Nature's Beauty Series

Nature Mug with Young Deer


Beautiful Butterfly Scene on one of our Natures Coffee Mugs.



Nature Coffee Mug with Butterfly
Beautiful Yellow Butterfly Scene

Nature's Beauty Series

Nature Mug with Butterfly


More Nature Mugs...

Kindness Wall Posters...

Just a simple smile from you can make someone else's day better.



Just A Simple Smile Directed Toward Someone Else
Can Lift Their Spirits and Make Their Day Better

Kindness Posters Series

A Simple Smile Kindness Poster


Person to person contact is still a kind thing to do. Speaking and huging carry good emotions that texting can never replace.



Gentle Reminder to Exercise Person to Person Contact
To Make Someone Feel Better For The Day

Kindness Poster Series

Person to Person Contact Kindness Poster



Motivationsl Wall Poster to encourage young people and adults to follow their own dreams and not what someone else thinks they should do.


Motivational Wall Poster
To Encourage Following Your Own Dreams

Kindness Wall Art Series

Motivational Wall Art Follow Your Dreams


More Wall Posters...

Guardian Angel Caller Necklaces ...

Small Gold Round Angel Caller Necklace for ones Daughter. A petition for an angel to watch over ones daughter always.



Beautiful Small Guardian Angel Caller Necklace
Asking Protection Always for Your Daughter

Angel Necklace Series

Guardian Angel Necklace for Daughter


I asked a Guardian Angel to watch over you, my wife. Angel Caller Necklace for my wife.



For My Wife
I Asked An Angel To Help Me Watch Over You

Angel Necklace Series

Angel To Help Me Watch Over You Always


To my precious daughter a guardian angel necklace with lantern to light the way for her through life.



To My Daughter Guardian Angel Necklace
With Lantern to Light the Way Through Life

Angel Necklace Series

Angel Be With My Daughter Necklace


More Angel Necklaces...